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Sponsorship Prospectus – 3rd Annual AIDN Policy Symposium & Sovereign Capability Showcase

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Sponsorship Prospectus – 3rd Annual AIDN Policy Symposium & Sovereign Capability Showcase

Time & Date



Theatrette and Great Hall, Parliament House Canberra ACT


Precision Public Affairs for AIDN

AIDN Member Price: $

AIDN Non-Member Price: $0

AIDN Members

AIDN Non-Member Price: $0

Non AIDN Members

$50.00 + GST

Event Overview

We are delighted to announce that the 3rd Annual Australian Industry & Defence Network (AIDN) Policy Symposium and Sovereign Capability Showcase will be held at the Theatrette and Great Hall, Parliament House Canberra ACT on Monday, 18 November 2024.

AIDN Members, we invite you to take part in this excellent sponsorship opportunity for our AIDN led, pre-eminent annual gathering of the Australian Government, Defence Australia and the Australian Defence Industry.

The 3rd Annual AIDN Policy Symposium & Sovereign Capability Showcase is the Defence Industry event to showcase your sovereign capability directly to the Australian Government.

It will provide delegates, exhibitors, participants and visitors alike with a unique opportunity to meet with key decision-makers in the Australian Government including Parliamentarians, Department officials, Potential suppliers and customers. Highlighting the Australian defence industry sovereign platforms, equipment, services and technologies that are increasingly in demand by the Australian Government and our coalition allies.

For more information, please contact the event manager Charlotte Menagh from Precision Public Affairs via charlotte@precisionpublicaffairs.com


Please note Sponsors for this event must be current financial AIDN Members

Event Details

For more information, please click on the link below to view the Sponsorship Prospectus or contact the event manager Charlotte Menagh from Precision Public Affairs via charlotte@precisionpublicaffairs.com


AIDN Policy Symposium Sovereign Showcase Prospectus 2024

  • Sponsors for this event must be current financial AIDN Members

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