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RAAF receives IAMD courses from US

The two courses were delivered by the United States Joint Ballistic Missile Defense Training and Education Center, marking the first delivery of Integrated Air and Missile Defense courses to the Australian Defence Force.

According to Defence, the JBTEC is the world’s “premier” Integrated Air and Missile Defense training unit, training the US Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Command, the CIA, embassies, and partner nations on Integrated Air and Missile Defense.

The course saw the JBTEC work with the ADF to help develop building blocks for Australian IAMD capabilities, with future courses scheduled. Lessons covered doctrine, tactics, and principles.

For Wing Commander Michelle McDermott, Commanding Officer of RAAF’s Surveillance and Control Training Unit at RAAF Base Williamtown, the courses are the highest standard IAMD courses outside of the United States.

“Our strategic environment needs technical experts who can readily adapt to new ideas and technologies. The ADF has new capabilities coming in, so leveraging JBTEC’s expertise and premier suite of missile defence courses helps Australia better protect itself against current and emerging threats,” Wing Commander McDermott said.



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