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Parliamentary Committee to review Defence Fuel Transformation project

Under the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works will consider a referral from the Department of Defence for over $286 million in public works supporting the Defence Fuel Transformation – Tranche 2 Facilities Project.

The works will replace, upgrade or remove existing defence fuel installations across Australia. Defence will also set up new defence fuel installations to service maritime, aviation, ground vehicles and power generation sites; construct a new wharf at Garden Island East in Sydney to support the refuelling of fleet vessels; consolidate redundant fuel infrastructure; and do compliance, minor infrastructure and system remediation works. The aim of the works is to reduce risk to the defence fuel network and supply chain, building on Tranche 1 of the Defence Fuel Transformation Program.

Mr Graham Perrett MP, Committee Chair said, ‘the public hearing will allow the Committee to review the Department of Defence’s submission and report on the purpose, need and public value of the proposed works.’

The Committee would like to hear from all individuals or organisations interested in the project. The deadline for public submissions is 10 October 2023, with more information available on the Public Works Committee website.

It is anticipated that the Committee will conduct a public and in-camera hearing for the inquiry in late October 2023, where the Committee will hear from the Department of Defence. Interested members of the public are encouraged to contact the Committee Secretariat if they wish to attend the public hearing.

Please note: the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works is not involved in the tendering process, awarding of contracts or details of the proposed works. Inquiries on these matters should be addressed to the relevant Commonwealth entities.

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