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International Day of UN Peacekeepers – 75 Years of UN Peacekeeping

Tomorrow, on the International Day of United Nations (UN) Peacekeepers, Australians are encouraged to recognise those who have contributed to global peacekeeping efforts.


29 May also marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation (UNTSO).


UNTSO was the first UN peace mission and is unique. It serves regionally in five countries in the Middle East and Africa – from Egypt to Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.


UNTSO’s role is to monitor ceasefires, supervise armistice agreements, prevent isolated incidents from escalating, and assist other UN peacekeeping operations in the region.


Australia has contributed hundreds of military observers to UNTSO since 1956, under the designation of Operation PALADIN.


Chief of Joint Operations for the Australian Defence Force, Lieutenant Greg Bilton, AO, CSC, said the Australian Defence Force had made a significant contribution to worldwide peacekeeping operations.


“The Australia Defence Force has a long and proud history of supporting peacekeeping missions across the globe,” Lieutenant General Bilton said.


“The International Day of UN Peacekeepers and 75th Anniversary of UNTSO provides us the opportunity to recognise the dedicated service our ADF personnel.


“We currently have 26 Australian Defence Force personnel deployed in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and South Sudan serving in UN peacekeeping missions. I thank them for their professionalism and valuable contribution.


“It is important to also honour the 17 Australians who deployed with the Australian Defence Force or Australian Federal Police who tragically lost their lives in UN or non-UN peacekeeping operations.”


More information on the range of operations currently supported by the ADF, including Operation PALADIN, is available at Operations | Defence


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