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Government releases SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report


Building on our proud legacy as Australia’s Defence State, South Australian workers and businesses will be instrumental in delivering the nation’s suite of critical defence infrastructure – bolstering the security of our nation and people for decades to come.

The State Government is partnering with the Commonwealth Government to help the defence industry shore up the necessary pipeline of highly skilled workers required to fulfil current and horizon projects – funding workforce initiatives that help attract, upskill and retain workers.

The SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report, released today, details targeted initiatives that accelerate the work already underway to grow the South Australian defence industry workforce.

Building a capability pipeline across education, training and employment, the initiatives are designed to grow a skilled and inclusive workforce; from school, VET and university graduates through to those looking to switch careers.

Importantly, the report also recognises the need to broaden the existing demographic of defence industry workers, and outlines initiatives designed to bolster the diversity of the defence and broader STEM workforce – supporting more women and First Nations people to access these high-value careers.

The SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report was developed by the South Australian Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Taskforce in close consultation with industry, education and training providers and unions.

The next phase of activity is the implementation of the South Australian Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report. This will commence with a detailed co-design process of the proposed initiatives with key stakeholders, including industry, unions, and the education and training sector.

Read the Report Here.

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