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EOS confirms first Slinger exports to Ukraine

Australian-made 30mm weapon systems are being sent to Ukraine as part of a US security assistance package announced earlier this year.

Three “Slinger” light-weight 30mm cannon system, made by Canberra-based Electro Optic Systems Defence Systems, have been ordered for use on “30mm gun trucks” announced by the US Department of Defense earlier this year on 4 April.

Each “Slinger” contains a radar, 30mm stabilised cannon with proximity-fuse, hi-explosive or armour-piercing ammunition designed for tracking and drone engagement at a range of more than 800 metres.

The Ukraine version will be used in coordination with Northrop Grumman’s M-ACE (mobile – acquisition, cueing and effector) system.

EOS Defence Systems executive vice-president Matthew Jones, responsible for defence systems in Australia, the US and Singapore, said the weapon system could be mounted on a heavy 4×4 for operation or for unmanned ground vehicle configuration.



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