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Defence continues 2024 Regional Presence Deployments

Article courtesy of the Australian Department of Defence


The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is continuing its ongoing contribution to Indo-Pacific regional security, deploying a Royal Australian Navy ship for the second regional presence deployment of 2024.

Guided missile destroyer HMAS Hobart and its crew of around 230 personnel departed their homeport of Fleet Base East Sydney this week for the two-month deployment.

While deployed, the ship will conduct surveillance of illegal ship-to-ship transfers of sanctioned goods as part of Operation Argos, which is Australia’s contribution to international efforts to enforce United Nations Security Council sanctions against North Korea.

HMAS Hobart will also work alongside Australia’s partners during cooperative activities at sea as well as conduct port visits and engagement activities ashore.

Joint Force Maritime Component Commander, Commodore Jonathan Ley, said HMAS Hobart would continue to maintain Australia’s presence in the Indo-Pacific region while supporting regional security and stability.

“These routine deployments demonstrate Australia’s commitment to a peaceful, secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific, where the rules-based international order and sovereignty are respected,” Commodore Ley said.

“HMAS Hobart, like all Australian vessels and aircraft, will continue to uphold international law and exercise freedom of navigation and support our partners doing the same.”

Commanding Officer HMAS Hobart, Commander Tina Brown, said the crew was proud to contribute to Australia’s Indo-Pacific presence and represent the nation during international engagements.

“The crew, including our embarked MH-60R helicopter team, have worked hard to ensure our readiness for this regional presence deployment,” Commander Brown said.

“We look forward to working and engaging with our partners both at sea and ashore.

“I’m thankful to all crew members for their commitment so far and to our families for the support we’ve already received and will continue to receive during our absence.”


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