Air Show tickets on sale
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in partnership with the City of Newcastle and Port Stephens Council are proud to present the Newcastle Williamtown Air Show 2023 over the weekend of 18 and 19 November.
Saturday 18 November is a free event with flying displays over the water at Newcastle’s Nobbys Beach and the Hunter River Foreshore Park. Sunday 19 November is a ticketed non-flying Open Day at RAAF Base Williamtown.
Head of Air Shows, Air Commodore Micka Gray said that tickets for the RAAF Base Williamtown Open Day are on sale at 9am on Monday 2 October, via the Ticketmaster website.
“I strongly suggest anyone seeking tickets to the RAAF Base Williamtown Open Day to set a reminder,” Air Commodore Gray said.
“With only 20,000 tickets available to the public at a cost of $10 per person and free entry for children 6 years and under, we expect tickets to sell out fast.
“Only patrons with tickets will be permitted onto the base on Sunday, so I urge you to plan ahead and log-into the Ticketmaster website before tickets go live at 9am.”
There will be significant road closures, changed traffic conditions and increased volume of traffic surrounding RAAF Base Williamtown over the event weekend and in the lead up to it.
“It is highly recommended that you plan your journey and allow additional time for transiting around the Newcastle and Port Stephens areas,” Air Commodore Gray said.
“The support of the community is appreciated and please be assured that all efforts are being made to minimise impacts, however these changes are necessary to deliver the Air Show.”
There is no ticket requirement for the flying displays in Newcastle on the Saturday, with two similar flying sessions at 10am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 4pm.
Further information is available at https://www.airforce.gov.au/newcastle-williamtown-air-show-2023 and https://www.visitnewcastle.com.au/air-show-2023