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AIDN calls for complete implementation of recommendations of enquiry into supporting the development of sovereign capability in the Australian Tech Sector



There is considerable overlap between the Australian tech sector and Defence industry, and questions on the conduct of federal government procurement in this area is of significant interest to many AIDN members.

AIDN applauds the release of the report of the “Finance and Public Administration References Committee” into “Supporting the development of sovereign capability in the Australian tech sector”

AIDN affirms that questions raised in this report regarding procurement demand urgent attention; including the appropriate definition of sovereignty, whether consideration of value for money captures all the national benefits offered by local industry and whether conflicts of interest at the supplier level for both above the line and below the line procurements are adequately identified and managed.

AIDN supports all recommendations made by the report including those proposed by Senator Pocock, and calls for their immediate and rapid implementation by government, including by the Department of Defence.


Mr Brent Clark, CEO, Australian Industry & Defence Network.
M: 0409 445 145


The Australian Industry & Defence Network Incorporated (AIDN) is the peak industry association for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) who support the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the Department of Defence (DoD).

AIDN represents almost 1000 Australian SMEs, who employ approximately 61,000 of Australian workers across the country.

At a time of national economic and geopolitical uncertainty, our hardworking middle Australians contributed $10.6 billion to the Australian economy in the 2021-22 financial year, through our sovereign supply chains; modern manufacturing practices; research and innovation; skills development; and regional and veteran employment.

AIDN’s nationwide membership is agile and can pivot to support the Australian Government to deliver its urgent needs requirements, but we need clarity on specific capability priorities.

Established in 1995, AIDN represents the interests of Australian SMEs in the Defence and security industry sectors through advocacy, representation and member services. AIDN is committed to supporting the Australian Government in delivering a self-reliant Australia through the development of a sovereign, onshore defence industrial capability, guided by what the ADF requires.


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