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A Message From the Head of Navy Capability to Industry


“I am pleased to update Industry on the recently released blueprint to transform the ADF to ensure it is positioned to safeguard Australia’s security and contribute to regional peace and prosperity for decades to come.

The Government’s recent release of the National Defence Strategy (NDS) and the Integrated Investment Program (IIP) – along with the Defence Industry Development Strategy (DIDS),response to the Independent Analysis of Navy’s Surface Combatant Fleet and the Defence Strategic Review last year mark a new era for Navy and its contribution to ADF’s integrated and focused force.

We must continue to meet Government’s direction to ensure that Navy’s capability meets current requirements, evolves with changes in threats and technology and achieves the joint integrated effect necessary to sustain an agile and lethal naval capability in an Integrated Force.

To that end, we will invest in capabilities relevant to the risks we face, accelerating important capability and reprioritising projects that are no longer fit for purpose.

Defence industry provides avital role in supporting the delivery of maritime capabilities. I look forward to working in partnership with industry to deliver Government’s direction.


Navy’s core tenets have not changed. As Australia derives much of its economic wellbeing from the maritime domain, Navy is essential to our national security. Navy plays a vital role to ensure that the maritime domain capability contributes to this.

We want to protect our national interest and contribute to the global rules based order in our region. And we must be ready. The transformation will focus on delivering six key capability effects outlined in the NDS. These effects involve:

• Projecting force and the ADF’s ability to rapidly deploy and employ force in response to direct threats to our national security;
• Holding at risk a potential adversary’s forces that could target our interests during a conflict;
• Protecting ADF forces and supporting critical infrastructure in Australia;
• Sustaining protracted combat operations during a conflict;
• Maintaining persistent situational awareness in our primary area of military interests, and
• Achieving decision advantage during conflict.


Defence industry is our critical partner in achieving the outcomes outlined in the NDS, IIP and DIDS. Australia’s strategic circumstances require the targeted development of the sovereign defence industrial base in areas of strategic priority.

The Government will support businesses to increase their scale and competitiveness to enable them to deliver Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities (SDIPs). The SDIPs in the DIDS have been embedded within and informed the design of the IIP.

As I foreshadowed during INDOPACIFIC 2023, with the release of the NDS and IIP, I am now in a position to provide industry more detail on the maritime domain priorities in the rebuilt IIP.

The aim is for industry to gain a better understanding of the IIP changes and information on when and where future industry opportunities may be available. I aim to give industry sufficient time and notice on Navy needs to enable it to lean in, invest and deliver accelerated Defence capabilities.


With that in mind, I am holding an unclassified Maritime Domain Industry Forum (previously Maritime Environment Working Group) for all interested defence industry on 2 July 2024. The focus of the engagement will be on the maritime domain in the context of the integrated and focused joint force. The event will be held in Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy (Adams Hall). Secure a spot now for this event by filling out the Registration Form.

Following the unclassified forum, I will be facilitating a series of classified (SECRET) Working Groups with selected companies that align with our immediate industrial capability outcomes and that hold appropriate security clearances. This will be by invitation only across three focus sessions (undersea warfare, surface combatants and maritime C5 and enablers) and held in Canberra on 3 July 2024 at a classified facility (to be confirmed). Further details will be advised in due course.

The new strategic direction provides us with a unique opportunity to engage in how collectively we will deliver capability through an Australian defence industrial base that creates a stronger, more secure Australia.

I look forward to this opportunity and encourage maximum attendance by industry.”


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