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US Department Of Defense Prioritizing Cooperation With Allies in Space

Dr. John F. Plumb, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy. Photo and article courtesy of the US Department of Defense. MEDIA RELEASE Cooperation among allies is critical as global competitors increasingly look to space as the next frontier of warfare, the Pentagon’s top space policy official said, yesterday. Dr. John F. Plumb, assistant secretary […]

Babcock to continue delivering critical C-CBRNE capabilities for the ADF

MEDIA RELEASE Australia’s service men and women will continue to have leading-edge technologies to prevent and defeat Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) threats used against the nation’s interests thanks to an extended Counter CBRNE Prime Vendor contract between Babcock Australasia (Babcock) and the Commonwealth of Australia. The new three-year contract extension of approximately […]

Navy task group returns from a successful regional security deployment

MEDIA RELEASE Defence has welcomed home Royal Australian Navy HMA Ships Toowoomba, Stalwart, Brisbane and Choules after a three-month regional presence deployment in Northeast and Southeast Asia. Over 700 Navy officers and sailors were welcomed back to their homeports by family and friends just in time for Christmas. Toowoomba and Stalwart returned to HMAS Stirling […]

Check in with your veteran mates over the holiday season

The Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MPAssistant Minister for DefenceAssistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Assistant Minister for the Republic MEDIA RELEASE As the holiday season approaches, it’s important to reach out to support your veteran friends and their families who may have experienced heightened stress this year as Defence and veteran issues remain in the public spotlight. […]

Passage of priority AUKUS submarine and export control exemption legislation by the United States Congress

The Hon. Richard Marles MPDeputy Prime MinisterMinister for Defence The Hon. Pat Conroy MPMinister for Defence IndustryMinister for International Development and the Pacific MEDIA RELEASE Today the US Congress passed the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes substantial enabling provisions for Australia’s AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine program. The NDAA will also establish a national […]

Australia expands training support to Ukrainian forces

The Hon. Richard Marles MPDeputy Prime MinisterMinister for Defence Senator the Hon. Penny WongLeader of the Government in the SenateMinister for Foreign Affairs MEDIA RELEASE Australia will extend and expand its commitment to the training of recruits from the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of Operation Kudu, throughout 2024. Since January, Australian soldiers have […]

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