Lockheed Martin announced as AIR 6500 Phase 1 winner

Lockheed Martin Australia has been announced as the strategic partner for AIR 6500 Phase 1 by the Australian Department of Defence. The American aerospace prime will provide the Australian Defence Force with a Joint Air Battle Management System at the core of the ADF’s future Integrated Air and Missile Defence capability. The management system is […]
Review of Defence Trade Controls Act 2012

Media Release The Albanese Government has appointed Mr Peter Tesch and Professor Graeme Samuel AC to co-lead a review of the Defence Trade Controls Act 2012. The Act regulates the supply of military and dual-use technology overseas and the brokering of defence goods and technology. A review is required every five years under the Act to ensure […]
Albanese Government invests in air and missile defence systems

Media Release The Albanese Government is delivering two key air and missile defence capability projects, as it gets on with the job of implementing the recommendations of the Defence Strategic Review. The Review makes clear that an enhanced, all-domain integrated air and missile defence capability is critical in the face of Australia’s evolving strategic circumstances. […]
Australian Defence Force to purchase smart sea mines

Media Release The Australian Defence Force (ADF) will purchase new, smart sea mines, which will reinvigorate Defence’s maritime mining capability, and are deployable from submarines, ships and aircraft. Following evaluation of market options last year, Defence selected RWM Italia to provide the capability under a multi-million-dollar contract. RWM Italia was assessed as the market leading […]